Our Newham Money offers Newham residents free Personal Budgeting Support.

Designed to help people deal with the introduction of Universal Credit which was rolled out in Newham in July 2018, budgeting support gives residents a better understanding of the new system and how they must manage their own personal finances.

Externally funded by the Department for Work and Pensions we provide one-to-one help where an expert will go through your finances and give you personalised advice as well as practical bite-size workshops where you can learn more about what the changes are and what they mean for you.

Universal Credit has been one of the largest changes to the UK benefit system in recent times and requires those receiving it to manage their own finances far more than the group of benefits it replaced. Many people have faced problems during the switch over, adjusting to the new method of payment and having to shop around and change buying habits in order to continue to pay their bills.

The advice and practical support we have given has helped many of our residents migrate over to the new system. The experience and knowledge we have remains a great resource, free for anyone that lives in the borough of Newham.

For help and advice call 020 8430 2041 or visit our Contact us page.